Septum Repair

To learn about our practice, please contact us at:
Effingham, Mt. Vernon, Greenville, Highland
Shiloh, Edwardsville, Columbia, Breese, Jerseyville
Deviated Septum Repair
The nasal septum is the wall between the nostrils that separates the two nasal passages. The septum, which is made up of thin bone and cartilage, is deviated (not straight) in up to 80% of people.
A deviated septum can lead to the following problems:
- Prolonged sinus infections
- Sleep apnea
- Nose bleeds
- Persistent sneezing
- Difficulty breathing
- Loss of the sense of smell
- Nasal pain
- Obstruction of the nasal passages
A deviated septum is corrected with a surgical procedure called septoplasty. Depending on the severity of the deviation, a septoplasty may consist of reforming and repositioning the cartilage to support the nose and direct airflow.
In less severe cases, a simple realignment of the septum is all that is required to correct the deviation.
Sinusitis Treatment Options
at Midwest Sinus Sleep & Allergy Associates include:
Click on the options below to learn more about our other Sinusitis treatments.
A Physician's Guide:
7 Proven Steps
For Better
Sinus Health

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